If a customer is unable to pay an outstanding bill in full, service will not be discontinued if the customer pays a reasonable amount of the outstanding bill and agrees to pay a reasonable portion of the remaining outstanding balance in installments until the bill is paid (not to exceed six months).
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin has detailed rules specifying the factors to be considered in determining reasonableness, provisions which must be included in any deferred payment agreement, the utility's right to disconnect if a deferred payment agreement is not fulfilled, the application of all payments under such an agreement, and the customer's rights in the event that an acceptable deferred payment agreement cannot be reached.
The Public Service Commission approved different rules for Residential Tenants who enter into a deferred payment agreement. There are circumstances under which a Residential Tenant is not eligible for a deferred payment agreement. Click here or contact our office for more information.
Please contact our office if you need more detailed information regarding Deferred Payment.