The heating season is upon us, and the State of Wisconsin Energy Assistance Program can help with heating and related electric costs. Applications for the 2024-2025 heating season are now available. In addition to assistance for heating and electric related costs, the Weatherization Assistance Program provides assistance with the costs related to home improvements to help cut heating costs. Improvements such as insulation, sealing air leaks, heating system updates, and energy-saving products can help you save money on heating costs.
Menasha Utilities will be hosting its second on-site application event at our office. THERE ARE STILL SPOTS AVAILABLE FOR February 6 from 9am-Noon. Call us at 920-967-3400 today to schedule your appointment! The process is quick and easy, it takes less than 15 minutes to complete the process. You will need to bring date of birth, social security number, and proof of income for the full month prior to your appointment for you and everyone else living in your household. You will also need the account number for your fuel related heating bills and a copy of your lease if you are renting. See your bill insert or click here for more details. You MUST schedule an appointment to attend.
Click here for the brochure that provides more details. These programs are income qualified; see the chart below for the 2024-2025 season.