The utility has on file a form which you can use to advise us of special circumstances which should be considered in the event disconnection procedures are commenced, i.e., the presence of elderly persons or infants or the use of life sustaining equipment. Please know that having this Medical Alert Form on file does not negate the customer's responsibility to make bill payments and does not mean electric and/or water cannot be disconnected for failure to make payment.
This form may also be used if you would like us to contact a specific third party, agency or individual prior to the taking of any disconnection action. This form may be obtained here or by visiting or calling our office.
In need of assistance to pay your bill? Please contact one of the local agencies below to apply for assistance.
Energy Services, Inc. - (800) 506-5596
LEAVEN - (920) 738-9635
FISC - (920 886-1000
Emergency Shelter of the Fox Valley - (920) 734-9192
Forward Services - (800) 771-8420 (A resource for medical necessity and financial crisis for families with minor children. Candidates will fill out an application and be interviewed; upon approval, applicants could qualify for up to $500 in utility assistance).