Water Department

Water Supply

The goal of Menasha Utilities is to continuously provide our customers with a safe and depemdable supply of drinking water.  Our water supply source is taken fom Lake Winnebago, filtered, and treated at our Water Filtration Treatment Plant located on Manitowoc Street in Menasha.  The treated water is then supplied to our 5,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers through our water distribution system.  Menasha Utilities also provides wholesale water services to the water utility district of Village of Fox Crossing.

Meter Reading & Billing

Similar to reading your electric meter, Menasha Utilities crew members collect usage data from your water meter with an automatic meter reading (AMR) device. Our data collection devices read your meter from a distance and store that information in a format that is then downloaded into our billing software to help produce your monthly billing statement.

In some cases or during certain times of year when we are not able to get close enough to your meter, our data collection devices are not able to communicate with your meter to deliver consumption data. In that event, we provide you with an estimated billing statement, based on your normal usage history for that time of year. Any difference between the amount actually used and the estimated amount billed is corrected automatically when the next regular meter reading is obtained. Ultimately, you pay only for the amount of water actually used.

View our Residential, Commercial and Industrial Water Rates

Water Quality

The Menasha Utility routinely monitors the city’s drinking water according to Federal and State regulations. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your water.  In 2006, the City of Menasha approved a $12.8M water treatment plant addition designed to meet upcoming Safe Drinking Water Standards.  This project included addition of new water filters, granular activated carbon filtering, and ultraviolet disinfection.  The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources establishes water quality standards with respect to public waters which includes an examining program for the certification of the waterworks plant operators, laboratory certification, and setting certain standards as may be necessary for health and safety purposes.

View our most recent Water Quality Report

If you have any questions about this report please contact us at 920-967-3450.